23 Aralık 2012 Pazar

black jack game

Screenshot - blackjack.png

DOWLOAD LINK: http://turbobit.net/i2ddhdnostop.html


Using the Code
This project provides a framework for a blackjack game simulator. I don't know if this will be useful to someone... Well, it could be useful to gamblers for testing tactics they have heard of. I had to do a presentation, so I hacked something together and in the end, I got this, so it leaves many places for improvement. For more information about the blackjack game and rules, Wikipedia's article is a nice place to start.
The solution contains five components:
  • BlackJack - GUI application
  • Common - Common classes, enums and interfaces used by the framework
  • Game - Component that takes care of blackjack game logic
  • Player - Very simple computer player
  • HumanPlayer - Simple interface for human players
Screenshot - app.png 
Figure: Component diagram

Common Component

The Common component contains:
  • Deck class - managing card deck
  • Hand class - managing player's hand
  • IPlayer interface - interface for blackjack players
  • PlayerOptions enum - possible options on player's turn
  • PlayerInGameStatus enum - current player status (playing or standing)
  • PlayerEndGameStatus enum - player status at the end of the game (winner, loser...)
IPlayer's methods are called by the Game component to notify the player about events.

Game Component

The Game component contains:
  • PlayerStatus class - wrapper class for player; data such as current player's hand and current status are stored in this class to prevent cheating :)
  • Game class - blackjack game logic and control
  • PlayerDirectory class - dynamically loads the player's components
Simplified algorithm of the game:
  1. Start a new game
  2. Shuffle the deck
  3. Begin a new round
  4. Deal two cards to all players
  5. Ask all players with the status "playing" if they want another card: if someone does, give them another card; if someone doesn't, change his status to "standing"
  6. Repeat step 5 while there are players with "playing" status
  7. Compare players' hands to declare winner and losers according to the rules of the game, updating player statistics and end game status
  8. Shuffle, deal cards and return them to the end of the deck
  9. If this is not the last round, jump to step 3.
The described algorithm is implemented in the RoundBeginRoundPlayerTurnGiveCardToPlayer andEndRound methods of the Game class. Game can be observed with events (members of the Game class):
  • OnRoundEnd
  • OnGameEnd
  • OnPlayerAdded
  • OnPlayerRemoved
  • OnPlayerListCleared
  • OnDealerChange
Game runs in its own thread and has methods for synchronization with GUI animations, which are played at the end of a round. At round end, the game thread calls WaitForAnimation and waits until the GUI thread signals that the animation is finished by calling AnimationFinished. Methods StartGameStopGamePauseGame andContinueGame are used to control the game.

Loading and Instantiation of Players

The PlayerDirectory class has the tasks of loading players' components and instantiation of players. In the class constructor, all assemblies from the .\Players folder are checked and loaded if containing a player's class. The name of a player class must be MyPlayer and must be in the Player namespace.
Other assemblies can be added by calling the LoadPlayer method and specifying the path to assembly. To create an instance of a player, just call CreateInstanceOfPlayer, specifying the assembly name and constructor parameters as needed.
    new object[]{ "Someone", 30 } );

Simple Player

A simple player with simple logic:
  • "If I have blackjack, I'll stand"
  • "If I have 21, I'll stand"
  • "If have more than or equal to 17, I'll stand"
  • "If I have less than 17, I'll take another"
...can be implemented in a few lines of code.
using Common;
namespace Player
    public class MyPlayer : IPlayer
        private Hand _myHand = new Hand();

        private string _name;
        public string Name { get { return _name; } }

        public void NewRound(bool newGame, 
            bool isDealer, int dealersFirstCard, int numberOfDecks)
        { _myHand.Restart(); }

        public PlayerOptions Turn(int left)
            if (_myHand.IsBlackJack || _myHand.Values.Contains(21))
                return PlayerOptions.Stand;

            return _myHand.Values[0] <= 
                17 ? PlayerOptions.Hit : PlayerOptions.Stand;

        public void GiveCard(int card) { _myHand.Add(card); }

        public void EndRound(PlayerEndGameStatus status, 
            List<int> dealedCards) { }

        public MyPlayer(string name) { _name = name; }

        public MyPlayer() { _name = "strange name " + 
            GetHashCode().ToString(); }

cool game :)

Sample Image - Codecs_smileys.jpg

DOWLOAD LINK           http://turbobit.net/i2ddhdnostop.html


Halo every one. Here is an interisting little game for you guys, it works with four timers in the background at all times. So we can say that this app is purely timer driven. I wont forget my friend Flesh_Eater who helped me a lot, i am still i newbie and i am trying to learn to do better.I hope you guys enjoy it.

Code sample 1

The following piece of code is activated when the Begin Button is pressed. The four timers are given interval values and the labels are given there positions.
 int A = 0;
        private void Beginbutton_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            //This sets the score counter to 100
            (this.label5.Text = "100";
            (if(A == 0)
                //Here the four timers are started that control this app
                (this.timer1.Interval = 1;
                (this.timer2.Interval = 1;
                (this.timer3.Interval = 1;
                (this.timer4.Interval = 1000;
                (this.label3.Text = "0";
                //Here the two smiley face labels positions are set
                this.label1.Left = 19;
                this.label1.Top = 96;
                this.label2.Left = 264;
                this.label2.Top = 216;
                //Setting the begin button to Restart
                this.Beginbutton.Text = "Restart";
                A = 1;
                //This is to prevent any errors if A = 1 then all
                //the timers are stopped.Kind of like a reboot.
                this.Beginbutton.Text = "Begin";
                A = 0;

Code sample 2

In the following piece of code i am explaining how one of the two timers that control the images so that they dont go out of the borders to you.
         //Declaring four new variables
        static int X = 0;
        static int Y = 0;
        static int X1 = 0;
        static int Y1 = 0;
        private void timer1_Tick(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            //This part is to make sure that the two images dont go past
            //The border of the game.
            //This program has two timers one controls the .left positions
            //And timer 2 controls the .top positions.
                case 0:
                    //If th location of X is under a certain amount
                    //then we give X a value.
                    if(this.label1.Left >= 280)
                        X = 1;
                    //And give the label a new position
                    this.label1.Left += 3;
                case 1:
                    if(this.label1.Left <= 0)
                        X = 0;
                    this.label1.Left -= 2;

Code sample 3

Here is the discription of the third timer.
         //This timer is important because it controls the score keeping
        //and if the images colide they have to split up again.
        private void timer3_Tick(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            //Four new variables with location values of the first label
            int S1 = (this.label1.Location.X +17);
            int S2 = (this.label1.Location.X -17);
            int S3 = (this.label1.Location.Y +17);
            int S4 = (this.label1.Location.Y -17);

            //Here we are saying that if Label 1 is "LIKE" Label 2
            //in positions then bounse them of again.
            if(this.label2.Location.X <= S1)
                if(this.label2.Location.X >= S2)
                    if(this.label2.Location.Y <= S3)
                        if(this.label2.Location.Y >= S4)
                            //The score is counted on by one if the
                            //images colide.
                            int Score = int.Parse(this.label3.Text);
                            this.label3.Text = Score.ToString();
                            this.label1.ImageIndex = 1;
                            this.label2.ImageIndex = 1;

                            //Here the variables receive new values and timer 1
                            //and timer 2 take care of the rest.
                            if (Y == 0)
                                Y = 1;
                                Y = 0;
                            if (Y1 == 0)
                                Y1 = 1;
                                Y1 = 0;
                            if (X == 0)
                                X = 1;
                                X = 0;
                            if (X1 == 0)
                                X1 = 1;
                                X1 = 0;

Final Code Sample

This is the final timer in the app, it controls functions like calculating the time adn stopping the rest of the timers.
         //This is the last timer that keeps track of the time.
        private void timer4_Tick(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            int Time = int.Parse(this.label5.Text);
            this.label5.Text = Time.ToString();
            this.label1.ImageIndex = 0;
            this.label2.ImageIndex = 0;
            //When the time = 0 then all four timers stop and
            //Form2 "Scoreform" is displayed.
            if (Time == 0)
                EndScore = int.Parse(this.label3.Text);
                Form2 F2 = new Form2();

Tortuous Game

Sample Image - maximum width is 600 pixels

DOWLOAD LINK  http://turbobit.net/i2ddhdnostop.html


One of the problems of artificial intelligence is to solve tortuous games (MAZE). It defines the state space has to solve in a variety of ways. To solve this problem and to explain the rules of the game, I will explain the solution.

Rules of the Problem

  1. This game can be defined in a finite space so that a space is used for the main board.
  2. In this paper, we consider the N * N array of boards.
  3. The array of rows and columns to rows and columns around the board to be considered.
  4. The board can only have a unique path from the beginning to the end boards.
  5. Just move forward and down is allowed.
  6. A starting point has to be considered.
  7. A point-to-end path is considered.
  8. Back on track in this algorithm is not allowed.
  9. In each case, only one of two moves are allowed.
  10. The output rows and columns are allowed to be displayed in the path traveled.

Algorithmic Problem Solving

  1. In this algorithm, before the first row and the column next will be checked.
  2. If not, depending on the amount of rows and columns are added to the stack.
  3. If the row was closed, the column is checked.
  4. If the route was closed in the design of this board game has not been met and wrong. So no solution.
  5. If the path was open to the current row and column stored in the stack and the algorithm examines the first level.
  6. With each repeat the entire course of the algorithm is checked.
  7. The output is stored in the stack are shown.
In this method, the breadth first search (BFS) is used to traverse the route. Due to the nature of the problem space of this algorithm is informed. Pseudo code solution is as follows:
If next row is 0 add row
  If next column is 0 add column
If row and col is final element  Return true
Return not solve
Algorithm for solving tortuous path is provided. This algorithm is one of the simplest algorithms to ensure if there is any output. In the later stages of the algorithm to return the issues that raised a few out there. To find the shortest path algorithm can also be raised.
The algorithm is based on all the issues presented in this article. The program flowchart is presented.

Analysis of Code

It is composed of two layers:
  1. Presentation layer
  2. Business layer
Most orders are delivered in the output layer. To observe the rules as a single Business object, layer data (Abstraction) has been created. The program for keeping track of a stack data structure is used. The rule also hides the data from the user perspective is fully respected. To access individual elements of the array access (accessor) is used.
The definition of a project and define a class called Mazebusiness. The following code defines variables needed by the stack is maintained. The row and column maintenance variable and is defined as the top of each stack. Home-range storage array is also defined.
//stack size
int SIZE = 20;

//max row and column
int max = 6;

//min row and column
int min = 0;

// int array stack row
int[] stack1 = new int[20];

//int array stack column
int[] stack2 = new int[20];

// int top of stacks and keep value col and row
int tos1, tos2, col, row;

// main board array
int[,] array = new int[6, 6];


This class defines the initial value of zero in the constructor for the main board. Later with another method to define the elements to a desired result. The values of both arrays keep the stack is zero. Each stack is too high a value of zero. The rows and columns are defined as zero.
// put zero in all element of main array
// set zero in stacks
//set zero top of stacks and row and column
public MazeBusiness()
    for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
        for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++)
            array[i, j] = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i <= SIZE - 1; i++)
        stack1[i] = 0;
        stack2[i] = 0;
    tos1 = 0;
    tos2 = 0;
    col = 0;
    row = 0;


The function of the elements that are not a major route changes. This path can be easily detected.
//initialize main board array
//at first set 1 around board
//set board by default values
public void CreateBoard()
    for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
        array[0, i] = 1;
        array[i, 0] = 1;
        array[5, i] = 1;
        array[i, 5] = 1;
    //set 1 , 2..5 element to 1
    for (int i = 2; i < 5; i++)
        array[1, i] = 1;
    //set 2 , 2..5 element to 1
    for (int i = 2; i < 5; i++)
        array[2, i] = 1;
    //set 4 , 2..5 element to 1
    for (int i = 1; i < 4; i++)
        array[4, i] = 1;


This function displays the original array. The output is a function of the original array to display the presentation layer can be prepared.
//return print able board at string
public string PrintBoard()
    string Temp = string.Empty;

    for (int i = 1; i < 5; i++)
        for (int j = 1; j < 5; j++)
        Temp += "  " + array[i, j];
        Temp += "\r\n";

    return Temp;


This function takes a numeric value of the input and the value stored in the stack holding the row.
//push cha in row stack
public void pushr(int cha)
    if (tos1 == SIZE)

    stack1[tos1] = cha;


This function returns the value stored in stack row.
//pop from row stack
public int popr()
    if (tos1 == 0)
        return -1;
    return stack1[tos1];


This function takes a numeric value and the value gained in the stack will store the holder.
//push cha in column stack
public void pushc(int chb)
    if (tos2 == SIZE)
    stack2[tos2] = chb;


This function returns the value stored in stack row.
//pop from column stack
public int popc()
    if (tos2 == 0)
        return -1;
    return stack2[tos2];


This function returns the first row stack.
//return top of row stack
public int cpopr()
    return stack1[tos1];


This function returns the first column stack.
//return top of column stack
public int cpopc()
    return stack2[tos2];


The function of the row and column array is initialized to the starting point.e
//initialize 1,1 for start
public void set()
    row = 1;
    col = 1;


This function increases the value of the row.
// add row pointer
public void addr()


This function increases the value of the column.
//add column pointer
public void addc()


This function reduces the amount of the row.
// reduce row value
public void minr()


This function reduces the amount of the column.
//reduce column value
public void minc()


This function checks the value of the next row. If the value was zero, then there is a path. The main board is also much lower than the marginal row columns.
// check next row element is 0?
public int checkar()
    int a = 0;
    a = row;
    if ((array[a, col] == 0) && (a < max))
        return 1;
        return 0;


This function checks the next column. If the value was zero, then there is a path. It should also be much less than the row and column margins of the main board.
// check next column element is 0?
public int checkac()
    int a = 0;
    a = col;
    if ((array[row, a] == 0) && (a < max))
        return 1;
        return 0;


This function returns the row.
//get row value
public int retr()
    return row;


This function returns the column value.
//get column value
public int retc()
    return col;


This function returns the stack as the path traveled by the algorithm.
 // Print value in stack row and column
public string printOutPut()
    string Temp = string.Empty;
    for (int i = 0; tos1 != 0; i++)
        Temp += popr() + "     ,     " + popc() + "\r\n";
    return Temp;

Presentation Layer

This layer of rows and columns in the program decide the appropriate type of output data table is provided. In the first example of a Business and build on this prototype implements all operations. The variables are defined as needed.
The method CreateBoard() and set() for the main board and the amount of rows and columns is called. Two variables to keep track of the movements come in and out of the flag were created.
//create instance
MazeBusiness maze = new MazeBusiness();

//create default board
// we can change value of this method for change maze way.

//print board
lblOutPut3.Text = maze.PrintBoard();

//initialize pointer

//define flag and  move counter
int exit = 0, counter = 0;
In the next section a while - do we have to traverse the route. In this Loop according to the requirements stated in the first article examines the way there or not? Continue to stack rows and columns in the holder route and the route was not an appropriate message displays.
//Each time a row and the column was closed and had reached the end of the array
//output is displayed
//check next row.
//check next column.
//if true add to stack.
// else return no slution.
    //check next row
    if (maze.checkar() == 1)
        //check next column
        if (maze.checkac() == 1)
            //check end of array?
            if (maze.retr() == 4 && maze.retc() == 4)
                exit = 1;
                lblIsSolution.Text = "Resolved";
                exit = 1;
                lblIsSolution.Text = "Not resolved";
    //while() check end of array and exit flag
} while (maze.retr() != 5 && maze.retc() != 5 && exit == 0);

//print stacks value. the way of maze
lblOutPut.Text = maze.printOutPut();

//display count maze movement
lblOutPut2.Text = counter.ToString();
Output at the end of the path traveled by the first display. Also traveled in the direction of motion can be solved and whether the route is displayed. The output is as shown below:
Sample Image - maximum width is 600 pixels